Navigating the Parenting Planet Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of our article! In our journey, we have already dealt with the moments of frustration, exhaustion, and uncertainty that every parent experiences. Alongside the challenges, we will uncover practical approaches and experimental insights to help navigate the turbulent waters of parenthood with confidence and knowledge. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let’s explore together how to overcome the challenges of raising children while finding joy and fulfillment
along the way

Pamper & Neglect

  • Does your child feel disconnected due to your busy work schedule?
  • Do you compensate for the time lost with children by showering them with expensive gifts?
  • Is this pushing your child with alone time?

Both excessive pampering and neglect can negatively impact a child’s development. Busy work schedules limit your quality time can leave your child feeling disconnected and lonely. Trying to compensate with expensive gifts doesn’t fulfill your child’s need for emotional connection. Conversely, pushing your child into excessive alone time without guidance can lead to feelings of neglect and increasing
dependency on gadgets.

These gadgets disrupt the child’s behavioral, emotional, social, physical and skill development. The child gets accustomed to being alone and slowly secludes himself/herself from the rest of the family members.

In addition to aching and suffering themselves, children exposed to neglect are at increased risk of inflicting pain on others and developing aggressive behaviors in adolescence.

Research on Pamper-Neglect

A study by Gilbert and other psychologists in 2009, emphasized the critical role of parental mediation in shaping children’s online experiences and behaviors. While a pampered kid, may develop self-absorbed qualities, throw tantrums with expletives without realizing the consequences and have no regard for hard work. The child may become obstinate to the extent of disrespecting others.

The American Psychological Association reports that 65% of U.S. children have experienced some form of pampering or indulgent parenting, which can contribute to a sense of entitlement and lack of resilience (APA, 2017).

Parent-child relationship: in the words of Khalil Gibran

The excerpt summarizes a profound truth about the parent-child relationship. The line suggests that children are a product of their parents’ physical existence but are not extensions of their parent’s identity. While parents play a crucial role in bringing children into the world, children have their own unique identities and destinies. Gibran emphasizes the distinction between parental love and individual thought.

“While parents can shower their children with love, they cannot dictate or control their children’s thoughts or beliefs. Each child has their inner world, shaped by their experiences, perspectives, and inherent nature recognizing and respecting this individuality is essential for fostering healthy parent-child relationships and supporting children’s growth and self-discovery.”

Gibran’s insight encourages parents to provide unconditional love and support while allowing children the freedom to explore, express, and develop their thoughts and identities.

Cheetah Approach of Parenting

Let’s explore the parenting style of a cheetah mother

She sets clear boundaries and rules for her cubs, teaching them essential survival skills while also providing warmth and guidance. Like the cheetah cubs, children raised with protected parenting grow up confident and capable, equipped with the skills needed to thrive in their environment. While the father cheetah protects the coalition and teaches them the art of survival in the jungle, preparing them for the

Similar to the cheetah approach of parenting, preparing your children for the future requires a balanced approach that prioritizes support, guidance, and independence while addressing issues of indulgence and neglect.

“Parents, you are the guiding star in your child’s life. As a parent, you can empower your children to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially, laying the groundwork for their success in life.”

Shayona Sarkar

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